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How can we help?
Let our security team provide you with the level of assurance around security engineering:
  • Security Risk Management, Governance & C-suite as a Service (CISO)

  • Security Compliance (Cyber Essentials, GDPR, PCI DSS & ISO 27001/2)

  • Security Capability Level (Identify Management, Security/Technical Controls & Monitoring)

  • Security Hardening (Business Continuity, Vulnerability Scanning & Disaster Recovery)

  • Security Development Lifecycle (Secure Coding, Supply Chain & Incident Management)



Our enterprise security assessment report identifies enterprise security risks, mitigation plans along with the appropriate level security governance.​

Help implement policies and standards stacks that really do work, scale horizontally & vertically and that do not restrict business growth.



We have proven approaches to Enterprise Application Security, architecture, secure mobile, third party systems, wireless access points, enterprise controllers, backhaul networks, information management systems or even migration to or from the 'cloud'. ​ Ensure that suppliers or internal staff are aware of cyber essentials the impact of GDPR and compliant to PCI DSS or ISO 27001/2 standards.



Need help to implement secure coding development lifecycle (DevSecOps)? ​ Still only doing basic Penetration Testing simulating attackers attempting to access specific systems? ​ Worried about how Internet of Things (IoT), M2M or 5G will effect your Digital Transformation?



Our bespoke AssuredSecure™ solutions are part of a proven framework that helps secure enterprises across the globe. ​ Speak to us today about our lightweight Security Assessment Health Check.


Need more details? Contact us
We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.
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